Taxation agency system, an essential element of market economy system, exerts far – reaching influence in the following aspects: standardizing taxation, establishing modern enterprise system, giving full play to the macro function of taxation, shifting the performance of taxation. 税务代理制度作为市场经济体制的重要组成部分,其发展和壮大对规范征纳关系、建立现代企业制度、发挥税收宏观调控、转变税务部门职能以及对外开放有着深远的意义。
Brief analysis of tax burden shifting Analysis about Taxation Calculating of Fixed Assets 浅析固定资产税金的计算
In view of the Shifting of Taxation theory and Tax Incidence theory, the actual tax burden of an enterprises is mainly from the Corporate Income Tax. 基于税负转嫁理论和税负归宿理论,企业的实际税收负担主要来自于企业所得税。